Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Sunday Post Mailbox & Recap #8

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 
Summer is here! Though, the weather has been wacky, even for New England. We'll have two or three days of 90+ degree temps followed by a week or more of 60's and 70's and at least two days straight of rain. Weird, and not very summery. But, my school's regular year is finished and we start summer session tomorrow. We have class two days, then closed on Wednesday for the US's Independence Day celebration, then two more days of class. Many of our kids are on vacation this week so it will be a light week at school.   

Last week was light on the blog, and this week will be also. I posted an update on the lung surgery for my asthma; a spotlight on a new romance "This Tangled Thing Called Love" by Marie Astor, which includes a jewelry giveaway (still open); a cover reveal for Kelley Armstrong's upcoming novella, "Forbidden"; and a review of "Magic Lost, Trouble Found" by Lisa Shearin. I also had a giveaway for "Vampire Bay" by Sandra Cox, which ended yesterday.

Coming up this week, I will have a spotlight on "Alana's Surrender" by KT Grant; a review of "Beach Season"; an anthology with stories by Lisa Jackson, Cathy Lamb, Holly Chamberlain, and Rosalind Noonan; a guest post from author Brenda L. Baker; and an interview with author Barbara Lambert along with a giveaway of her book, "Charlie: A Love Story". 
Review coming this week, maybe Wednesday. 

 A few weeks ago, I posted that I received from Penguin Books,"Darkness Devours", book three in Keri Arthur's Dark Angels series. I hadn't read the first ones however. I tweeted Keri, asking her if I could read DD as a stand alone and she replied no. She then generously offered to send the books to me and they arrived this week, along with a signed cover flat for "Full Moon Rising". I'm still a bit in shock at her generousity. (She lives in Australia, for anyone unfamiliar with her. So, two books plus mailing to the US = a generous author and a very happy reader.)

Kindle Freebies
Yep, it was even a quiet week for freebies. There wasn't a lot this week that caught my eye and with my goodreads TBR shelf at 549 books, I really need to get busy reading. 

I hope you had a good week. Leave me a link and I'll try to visit this week.


  1. Looks like you had a good week. Check out my Sunday Post. Oh and new to your blog.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. I hope you enjoy Keri Arthur's Dark Angels series, it's a favorite of mine! Happy reading, Book Savvy Babe

  3. That was very nice of Keri Arthur to send you the books I hope you enjoy them, they look good.

    Thank you for stopping by and happy reading.

  4. What a great gift from Keri, and totally agree with you about the weather, NE weather is always strange but this year it's been down right weird, no snow, either :(
    Have a great week! :)

  5. Interesting books you have there! I can't wait to see what you think of them.

  6. I think my TBR shelf is about the same size, Bea! :) Never stops us from getting more though... *sigh* Enjoy all your reads!


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