Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's really happening! Lung Surgery in 2 Weeks!!!!!!!!!

I saw the doctor today, had more testing and filled out more paperback. Best of all, we scheduled the procedures. I just about bounced my way out of the hospital, I was so excited. I never thought I could be so excited and giddy about a surgery or medical procedure. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not a cure and there's no guarantee that I will see any benefit from the procedure. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I have severe, poorly controlled chronic asthma. There is now an experimental procedure for severe asthmatics called bronchial thermoplasty. For other posts on this subject, see these: In the Hospital  Home!
Burning My Lungs   Lung Update    It's Official!

So, the first procedure (it's a three part procedure) is scheduled for two weeks from today, on July 24th; the second one is on August 14th, and the last one on September 4th. That last one kinda sucks because it's the first week of classes in the new school year and I'll have to take time off, but oh well. At least my supervisor will be able to plan around it and has lots of time to line up a sub for me. On my way home from the doctor today, I stopped off at school (we're open year around) and filled out my time off forms.

It's really happening! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Congratulations and best of luck! Here's to hoping it will be a wonderful success! :o)

  2. I'm so happy for you, Bea! I hope the surgeries all work out fantastically for you and you have a safe, fast recovery. *hugs*

  3. Thanks Danielle, thanks Jodi! I am so excited it's ridiculous. Breathing is such an awesome activity, lol.

  4. Best wishes! Will keep you in my prayers!!

  5. Great news!! I'll keep you in my thoughts, best wishes!

  6. My prayers and best wishes are sent to you. I hope this will help you.

  7. Thanks Jinky, Silverlight and Donna. I'm very excited and ready to have the procedure right NOW! lol


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