Friday, July 13, 2012

Elemental Magic: A Guest Post by Susan Leigh Noble

Today I'm delighted to have Susan Leigh Noble as my guest at the Nook. Get cozy, curl up with your cat (or other fuzzy), it doesn't have to be telepathic, and prepare to be both entertained and educated as Susan discusses the systems of magic in her book, "Summoned: Book 1 of The Elemental".

Susan Leigh Noble has always loved dragons and magic so it is no wonder that she became an author of fantasy novels. As a cat lover, she also threw a telepathic cat into the mix for her The Elemental Series. The first two books, Summoned and Quietus, have already been released in e-book format. She is currently working on the third and final chapter of the trilogy.

When she isn’t writing, Susan is an active volunteer in her neighborhood and at her children’s schools. She lives with her husband, two children and three cats in Texas.

Elemental Magic

In Summoned, there are two types of magic. One is magic through spells. The other is Elemental magic. People with this innate talent, known as Elementals, draw energy from the surrounding elements. They then use that power to control those elements - fire, air, water and land.

Lina stood by Tosh not sure what to do. She wanted to help but had no weapon beside her Elemental power. But she was unsure if she was skilled enough to use that power in battle. Then again, she had to do something. She began gathering the power. Her body began to tingle as it pulsed through her. She waited until neither Coy nor Val was attacking, and then she slowly unleashed the power, all the while thinking of a deep hot blaze. The bluish blaze seemed to spring up from the ground itself. Flames quickly engulfed the beast. It twisted and howled. The beast turned toward her. Its loud cry pierced the air.
Neither form of magic is prevalent when Lina is born. In fact, most people believe Elemental magic no longer exists. The few people with traces of Elemental magic only have control over one element. That is until Lina is born. At the age of four, a snake slithered out of the bushes. Startled, she set it on fire reflexively. As a teenager, she learns she can control the wind. Her only guide to using and understanding her power is her STAC, Tosh - a telepathic cat with the ability to sense Elemental power within a person. Tosh cautions her to keep her powers hidden as the outside world has a tendency to fear that which is different. But Tosh’s knowledge of Elementals goes much deeper than Lina knows.

When a mystic compulsion forces her to leave her homeland, she finds she must use her elemental power more and more. With each use of her power, it grows. She is forced to use her growing strength to survive the trials laid before her. As the mystical forces around her increase in intensity she will be forced into a battle of elemental magic against spell magic


By: Susan Leigh Noble
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Format: EBOOK
Length: 219 pages, 414 KB
Release Date: AUGUST 13, 2011
twitter: @SusanLeighNoble

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

At the age of four, Lina discovered she could start fires with a mere thought - a trait which had died out long ago. Cautioned by her telepathic cat, Tosh, she kept this Elemental power a secret to avoid being an outcast. That was easy to do growing up in the remote grasslands of Zena. 

Now eighteen, she had no plans to leave her beloved homeland. So when a strange urge compels her to travel north to an unknown destination, Lina resists this unnatural feeling. But her plans to stay in Zena are taken out of her control when she is kidnapped by gypsies and wakes in a foreign land. The desire to travel north is as strong as ever. She fears she will have no choice but to give into the compulsion. When a raging fire prevents her return home, she realizes she must find out once and for all what or who is summoning her. 

On her journey, Lina befriends an odd assortment of allies. Together they battle mystical creatures and unnatural forces despite the fact that such magic had died out over 800 years ago. Lina reluctantly begins to use her innate Elemental power as she becomes more certain that someone is using magic against her. When she discovers the shocking truth, it will change her life in ways she could never imagine.

 Summoned is the first book in The Elemental Trilogy.

Susan will award a $15 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

Readers, if you follow the tour and comment on the different posts, you'll increase your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:

Telepathic cats, dragons, magic - who can resist? After you read the book, come back and share your thoughts.


  1. I had not thought about there being two different types of magic before: through spells and then Elemental Magic. I love ALL Magic.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the tour for SUMMONED thank you.


  2. Hi - Thanks for having me here. What a great way to end my book tour - talking about one of my favorite things - magic.

  3. I never knew about elemental magic before this tour. The book sounds really intriguing!


  4. Love the blurb. The tour has been fun and informative.

  5. The idea of elementals is intriguing. I don't think I'd want such power. It must be frightening for Lina. Luckily she has Tosh!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  6. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. I am intrigued..thanks for sharing this Bea :)


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