Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Giveaway & Cover Reveal: Red Dawn by J.J. Bonds

Are you a fan of YA? Love speculative fiction, but getting tired of vampires? Then you really need to check out JJ Bonds' series, Crossroads Academy. Book one, "Crossroads", came out in November of 2011 and book two, "Red Dawn" will be released August 28th. Today I have the pleasure of being part of a small team of bloggers who are revealing the cover of "Red Dawn".

Are you ready?

Oh wait. I almost forgot. At the end of the post will be a chance to win something.

Ok, ready now? What a silly question. :D

Look at the details and the colors? Isn't that gorgeous? And those green eyes. It's an eye-catching cover for sure. You may have even heard of the cover designer;  the book blogging community's very own Parajunkee. Want to know more about the book? Read on.

Book Blurb (from author):

Katia’s done running. She’s fought fiercely to protect her identity, her secrets, and those she loves most. And while it hasn’t been easy, she’s finally making peace with the past. Katia’s even looking forward to the start of a new school year at Crossroads Academy.

Too bad things at Crossroads are going to be a little different this fall. There are new rules, new students, and new relationships. Katia quickly discovers that navigating the halls of Crossroads is as complicated as ever.

When a friend’s life is at stake, Katia will be forced to choose between the safety of Crossroads and an enemy more dangerous than any she’s ever faced. Will Katia have the courage to risk it all -including her life- for a friend?

J.J. Bonds is an independent author who writes young adult speculative fiction. Her debut novel, Crossroads, was released in fall of 2011. It is the first in the Crossroads Academy series. J.J. lives in Carlisle, Pennsylvania where her love of all things paranormal keeps life interesting. She lives with her husband, daughter, and two rambunctious dogs.
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So, now that you have seen the yummy cover and know more about the book, are you ready to try the series? JJ has generously offered a copy of either "Crossroads", the first book, or "Red Dawn", the upcoming book, to one lucky winner, and it's open internationally.

 Enter using the rafflecopter widget.

 Please read the directions carefully and if something doesn't make sense, ASK!

Oh, and please read my Giveaway Policy.

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. wow! it's amazing *w*
    a "yummy cover" as you well say <3

  2. I love the gorgeous cover. It makes me want to read the book. Tore923@aol.com

  3. I'm lucky to have such a talented designer working on my books! Good luck in the giveaway!

  4. I think the cover is amazing! I love the different red tones that were used as well as the fact that the cover is neither to light or too dark looking. Your cover designer is great!
    -Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

  5. The cover is beautiful! Vibrant reds always draw me in. Her eyes are looking up to her right and it makes me wonder what she's looking at :)

  6. The cover is very enticing. I now want to read it!

  7. The cover is absolutely beautiful! Her gaze looks super intense to. Adding to my TBR-list just in case I don't win lol.

  8. The cover is absolutely gorgeous!! I love how the eyes stand out next to the reds!

  9. I LOVE it! I think it's the contrast of the red and black that is striking. The mask has just enough detail to make it beautiful but not over the top and I love the title font and the design behind it. Great job!


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