Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Sunday Post Mailbox & Recap #7

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It was a busy week last week, whew! There was a lot going on at the blog. This week, I have a busy work week so the blog will be quieter, plus I've got a quietish summer planned for the blog. No big plans for the summer, apart from my surgeries, just wanted to lighten my workload a bit.

On the blog last week, I had:

2 cover reveals: Kelley Armstrong and Mira Grant

Books Won

I won this on Dream several weeks ago and it arrived a few days ago. I love it! I immediately took it to school, where the kids haven't been as enthusiastic as me. I haven't given up yet though. Review to come.

Received for Review


This is put out by my employer so no review. But, I was hearing good things about if from my co-workers so I bought it.
Kindle Freebies


Remember I posted last week that I bought Kelley Armstrong's new ebook, "The Hunter and The Hunted"? Well, she did a promo with it where she gave away bookmarks to the first 1000 people who emailed, to a special address, their order receipt. The womens bookmark is signed, the mens is not. One of her board members, Xaviere, did the art. She also did the artwork for "Forbidden" and "Beginnings".

So how was your week? Leave a link in your comment and I'll come around during the week for a visit.


  1. Awesome week and great freebies. I love Barbara Freethy and look forward to your review. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post Have an awesome week!

  2. Those are great bookmarks. I will have to check out the Kindle freebies for sure. Have a fabulous week... Enjoy your haul...

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. Thanks Jenea.

      The bookmarks are limited edition so I'm really excited that I got a set.

  3. I love getting swag!! It's so much fun. =) And those are some really interesting freebies! I'll definitely have to check those out.

    Happy reading!

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  4. Awesome looking haul this week! Happy reading and enjoy!


  5. The bookmarks look fantastic - and signed too - how awesome! I want to read Thirteen too, though I need to catch up on that series.

  6. I love Kelley too! She's awesome. And Kindle freebies, OMG I love those things.

  7. Thanks Tanya, Dani, and Aneeqah

    Tanya, I'm a book behind. I plan to catch up soon.

  8. Big haul this week, Bea! I love the swag! (I'm a swag whore >.<)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!