Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Sunday Post #5

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

Well, it's been two weeks since my last Sunday Post. Rather than recap everything, I'm going to cherry pick what I think were the highlights. I didn't do a post last week due to the family death and being out of state. That also delayed some reviews, including "Sirenz Back in Fashion" and the authors, Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman, were just wonderful about the delay in posting my review, which was supposed to kick off their blog tour. Thank you ladies, that made my week less stressful.

So, in the past 2 weeks, I've had:

1 Spotlight: The Secret Library series, a series of erotic romance anthologies

2 Guest Posts: Tamara Morgan (contemporary romance)  MaryJanice Davidson (UF)

2 Interviews: Lisa Shearin (fantasy) and Andrea Kane (romantic suspense)

2 Giveaways: Lisa Shearin and Rachel Caine (both now ended)

4 Reviews: Black Dawn by Rachel Caine (YA UF)  Sirenz Back In Fashion by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman (YA contemporary fantasy)  Love Is Murder, ed. by Sandra Brown (romantic suspense anthology)  The Caves of Etretat by Matt Chatelain (conspiracy mystery)

Multiple excerpts: Home For The Summer by Mariah Stewart, A Gentleman Undone by Cecilia Grant and When Passion Lies by J.K. Beck (romances)    Lockdown by Andrea Kane (it's a short story in the anthology Love Is Murder so it's a brief excerpt; it's at the end of the post)    The Game by Jeff Cott (erotic romance)    Undead and Unstable by MaryJanice Davidson (UF)

Now, Books! I was going to go to my library's used book sale yesterday and decided to wait until today, when everything is half price. So, you'll see those next week. I do have a ton of Kindle Freebies, but I'm only listing some because they could be a post all by themselves. :D I also received a pile of books for review; I won one book but it hasn't arrived yet so I'll hold off on posting it.

Kindle Freebies:

     Some fairy tale retellings: The Eye of the Beholder by Elizabeth Darcy    Snow White Blood Red by Cameron Jace    Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder by Cameron Jace

     Romances: Chocolate Aftertaste by Liz Grace Davis    Red is an Attitude by Kathy Lynn Hall (romantic mystery)    Simmer All Night by Geralyn Dawson

     Mysteries:  A Hint of Murder: The Series by Lia Fairchild    The Ninth District by Douglas Dorow

Received for Review:

Darkness Devours by Keri Arthur (Dark Angels #3)
Blackhearted Betrayal by Kasey Mackenzie(Shades of Fury #3)
Grave Memory by Kalayna Price (Alex Craft #3)
Bared Blade by Kelly McCullough (Fallen Blade #2)
Harmless as Doves by P.L. Gaus (Ohio Amish Mystery #7)
Tin Swift by Devon Monk (Age of Steam #2)
Iron Gray Sea by Taylor Anderson (Destroyermen #7)

I'm really excited for Darkness Devours, Blackhearted Betrayal, and Harmless as Doves. The others look good too though I'm not a Devon Monk fan so I have qualms about that one. Of course, these are all series books and the only series I've actually read to date is Price's. Ah well, I've a history of starting a series mid-stream, why stop now?

How was your week? Leave a link along with your comment and I'll come take a look.


  1. I'm not really familiar with any of those titles...but I hope that you enjoy them all!

    My Added to the Bookshelf Post.

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

    1. That's one of the fun things about other blogs - finding new books and authors. I enjoy that very much.

  2. Grave Memory! Eek. Really excited for you, Bea! I'm not up to date with the rest of that pile too, so you are very brave for willing to start them mid-series :) Enjoy all your reads!

    1. When I'm reading for pleasure, I don't mind jumping in the middle of a series. It's harder when it's for review; I don't feel I can accurately judge the book on its own merits vs the series as a whole, I may be confused, etc. All but one of these were unsolicited reviews so not all will make the cut.

  3. You have so many series and books that are new to me.
    I'm going to have to bookmark your page just to be sure that I can see all of them.
    WTF Are You Reading?: WTF's In My Mailbox #5

    1. Delighted to hear it Frishawn. As I said above to Melissa, for me, part of the fun of other blogs is finding new books, new genres, new authors, etc. I don't know if I've been to your blog yet but I'll go check it out. :)

  4. You have some that I'm not familiar with. Gonna have to check them out and see what are about. Great haul.

    Happy Reading
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. Thanks Jenea and what a lovely name you have!

  5. You are a true series addict my dear! So lovely that the author's worked with you. I hope things are better for you this week. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

    1. LOL Who are you calling an addict? :D

      Thanks Kimba :)

  6. I really need to give Keri Authur, I made an attempt at her books but then couldn't get into it and gave up.. hmm Great haul!


    1. Danielle, the only books by her that I've read are her Riley Jenson Guardian series and they were hit or miss but I did like some. If you decide to try her again, maybe go to your library and borrow a copy.

  7. You received some wonderful this week! Have fun reading them and I look forward to your reviews!

    Thanks for sharing,

  8. That's a lot of books! I too download free kindle books! Happy reading!

    Here is my Sunday post!

    1. Oh, those Kindle freebies are seductive and addictive. They call my name when I'm sleeping, I'm sure of it. :D

  9. Honestly, Bea...I don't know how you read them all!

    1. Honestly Angie, I don't! I could read non-stop for the next year and probably still have books left over. On the plus side, I always have something to read. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!