Saturday, March 24, 2012

"The Scoundrel and the Thief" Cover Reveal


I like this cover. The guy has a handsome, slightly rakish face and the woman is just lovely. It's a romance, with what the publisher's website calls a "Happy For Now" ending. I'm glad they mentioned that as I usually expect a Happily Ever After. I don't mind HFN, as long it's not a surprise. I haven't read the book yet, so it may be that it works up to the HFN. The book releases on Tuesday, March 26th.

The author, K.B. Galore, is making her debut as a romance author but she's not a newbie. She has numerous stories and several full length novels to her credit, under another name.If you're a regular reader of my In My Mailbox posts, you may be able to guess who it is. She's not ready yet to reveal her other identity but stay tuned. More info will be coming.

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