Sunday, March 4, 2012

Review of Spirits Rising by Krista D Ball

Publisher: Krista D Ball
Release Date: January 3, 2012
Series: Spirit Caller
Buying Links: Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Smashwords

Book Blurb (from authors website):

Rachel Mills has one wish in life: for the spirit world to shut up and leave her alone. She thought her move to a remote fishing village in Northern Newfoundland would help.
Population: Twenty. What could go wrong?

Instead of peace, however, she relocates to a land of superstition, the air alive with the presence of others.

When a local teenager accidentally summons the spirits of the area, including those from a thousand-year-old Viking settlement, all supernatural breaks loose. As the spirits stalk her and each other, Rachel finds herself in over her head. With the help of Mrs. Saunders, her 93-year-old neighbour, Rachel has to put aside her own prejudices long enough to send the spirits back to rest, or risk being caught in the midst of a spirit war.

Reviewed By: Bea

My Thoughts:

Rachel has the ability to sense ghosts and spirits. Sometimes they bother her, sometimes they don't, but she's always aware of them. She makes no secret of her ability but doesn't advertise it either. In the village she moved to recently, she's made a few friends, but also at least one enemy: someone has been posting fliers on her front door, denouncing her as a witch and a devil worshipper.

Rachel is the protagonist of this story but not the hero. She doesn't have special powers, but she does have knowledge and it's that knowledge that helps save the day. Getting rid of the spirits who are rampaging in the village, thanks to a foolish teenager, takes almost the entire village. Rachel is surprised, and grateful, at how much support she receives. At times while reading the story, I felt like I had missed a book and started the series in the middle. I would have liked more back story, more world building. I never got Rachel's attraction to Jeremy or why she wanted to kick him out of her life. The way she acted, it seemed as if he had done something to her, but that doesn't seem to be the case. 

The characters were well written and Mrs Saunders was a hoot, I hope we see more of her. The story has  a Newfoundland feel to it or so I assume since I've never been. But it didn't feel like it could have been set anywhere and the details added to the story. Rachel is not perfect, she has flaws and her first attempt to get rid of the spirits is unsuccessful. I like that she's not a kick ass or powerful heroine, but more normal and realistic. She has a strong moral code and a willingness to work hard, though asking for and accepting help can be difficult for her. She's just a nice, normal girl. It's a good start to the series and I'm looking forward to the next one.

I received a Kindle book from the author for review.

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