Sunday, March 18, 2012

In My Mailbox #22

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

I looked at my TBR shelf on goodreads, and it's now up to 469 books; the list keeps growing.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.

Kindle Freebies


I got an egalley of this book last summer and really enjoyed it (my review) but only got around to buying a hardcover when the author, Mike Mullin, came to my area for an appearance. It's now signed. :)

This was originally released as part of an anthology and Kelley just released it as a single ebook. I pre-ordered it months ago and it finally downloaded this past week.

 I've loved Cary Grant for years, I couldn't pass this up.

Another book I had to have. I'm a longtime Seuss fan and this is a collection of stories printed in magazines back in the early fifties and then forgotten about. It will be well used in my classroom.



So, another very good book week. I'll be busy for a while, reading. How was your week, what did you get?


  1. Hi!

    Oh I want to read Ashfall! It sounds good. Congrats on all those books, they all look so interesting. So many books, so little time aye?

    Happy reading!!

    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    My IMM!

    1. "So many books, so little time aye?"

      Oh, aye! There's just never enough time, but it's a good problem to have. :D

  2. I do enjoy books by Nora Roberts. Will be checking that book out! :) Happy reading!

    Here's my IMM for the week.

    1. It's an old title, from her Harlequin days. I haven't read this one and it was on sale for 99 cents so I figured, "why not?"

  3. Ashfall wasn't my cup of tea but great idea and lots of people enjoyed it more than me :)

    1. I wasn't sure if it would be my thing either; I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. And, no matter how carefully we screen, we can't like every book we read. :)

  4. Great set! I've heard good things about Norah Roberts' books. Hope you love it.
    My IMM

  5. I have Devil's Punch pre-ordered from Amazon. I love the series and hope you enjoy it.

    1. JC, I haven't read the previous books. DO you think I could pick this one up and read it or should I get my hands on the earlier books?

  6. Ooooh! Looks like you got some yummy books this week!

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. I adore Nora Roberts!! She's one of my all time fav writers! Now i feel the need to go read one of her books! lol Enjoy!

    My IMM:

    1. Years ago, a co-worker started me on Nora's books and I've been hooked since.

  8. Nice haul. One Book in the Grave sounds good. Definitely adding it to my reading list. Enjoy!

    1. A friend of mine recommended it. I hope you enjoy it. :)

  9. I really liked the beginning of Ashfall! Can't wait to continue it.

    Sorry for stopping by so late! Too much of a crazy week, sadly. I really hope you enjoy your new reads!


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