Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dusty Reads #9

Dusty Reads is a weekly meme hosted by Giselle at Xpresso Reads where we spotlight a book sitting in our TBR pile. My TBR breeds when I'm not looking, I swear. Ok, I add to it, I confess. I just can't resist. Between ebooks (darn those kindle freebies, lol)  and print books, I have almost five hundred that I haven't yet read. Eeep. And yet, I keep buying and borrowing books. And occasionally, winning them. :) Happily, the quantity of incoming books has slowed down some and I've actually gotten some of those dusty books read. The Just For Fun Reading Challenge has been a big help too; I've given myself permission to focus a little less on reading for review and to read for fun (though a few did end being reviewed :D)

Publisher: Harlequin Books
Series: Carhart #2
Release Date: September 28, 2010

Book Blurb (from goodreads):


In the three years since her husband left her, Lady Kate Carhart has managed to forge a fulfilling life for herself. But when Ned Carhart unexpectedly returns, she finds her tranquility uprooted --- and her deepest secrets threatened. Though she has no intention of falling for Ned's charms, Kate can no longer deny the desire that still burns in her heart.

 Ned is determined to regain his wife's trust by using unbridled seduction. But just as Kate surrenders to Ned's passion, her carefully guarded past threatens to destroy her. Now Kate must place her faith in the only man she's ever loved, and the only one who has ever betrayed her ...
Ok, THIS is embarrassing. I bought this one shortly after it's release. Barnes & Noble was having a sale on selected romances, I had a coupon, and the member discount; I ended paying about 19 cents for it, including sales tax. And yet, I still haven't read it. That was 18 months ago! I seem to keep pushing it to the bottom of the TBR pile. If I recall correctly, I bought it because of all the good buzz it was getting on Twitter. I really need to get off my butt and read it now. 


  1. Ooh. This one is also on my TBR list. But I don't own it (yet!)

  2. I've head excellent things about Milan's writing, hope we enjoy it. :D


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