Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dusty Reads #8

Dusty Reads is a weekly meme hosted by Giselle at Xpresso Reads where we spotlight a book sitting in our TBR pile. My TBR breeds when I'm not looking, I swear. Ok, I add to it, I confess. I just can't resist. Between ebooks (darn those kindle freebies, lol)  and print books, I have somewhere around four hundred that I haven't yet read. Eeep. And yet, I keep buying and borrowing books. And occasionally, winning them. :)

Wolfsbane by Patricia Briggs (Masques #2, Sianim #6) Release Date: Nov. 2nd, 2010

I've read the original version of Masques and own the revised version, but haven't read it yet. Since I'm not sure what changes she made in the revised version, I don't want to read the sequel until I read the first one. I don't do a lot of traditional high fantasy these days, but I liked the first Masques and I like Patty's writing so I had no hesitations about picking this up. I've skimmed it, but haven't yet sat down and read it all the way through. Soon, my precious, soon. :)

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