Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spotlight On: Snowbound Valentines (Touch of Love Anthology) by JL Oiler, a CBLS Blog Barrage

Today's spotlight is a short story, "Snowbound Valentines" by JL Oiler, part of a romance anthology, "Touch of Love". It's a hot, spicy erotic romance that will help warm you up this winter.
JL Oiler grew up in the mountains of West Virginia where she still lives with her husband and children. She is a graduate of Fairmont State University in Fairmont West Virginia, and holds a Masters degree from Ball State University in Muncie Indiana. She always possessed a passion to create stories to entertain her friends and family, but life led her on a variety of paths before she found the opportunity to return to the dream of writing stories to share.

JL currently has stories with Rebel Ink Press and Silver Publishing. She enjoys the Erotic Paranormal genre, but has dabbled in other areas of romance as well. Her first release came in January of 2010, since that time she has had multiple individual releases as well as the opportunity to work on several anthologies. She can often be found chatting about upcoming events or releases on Facebook.

 Book Blurb (from the author):

Morgan Phelps finds herself living in a small West Virginia town after her car decided it could go no further. Thankfully, the local café needs a waitress as badly a Morgan is needing a job. Now six months later, she finds herself working the midnight shift on Valentine’s Day and as though things didn’t already suck, the weatherman has predicted a major snowstorm heading straight for them. Lucky for her, she won’t be working the late shift alone.


Trey and Christian are not only best friends and notorious ladies men, but they are also secret lovers. This dynamic duo have both been attracted to the pretty red head working at the café with them since she started and a slow valentines night and a snowstorm might be the perfect opportunity to turn their twosome into a threesome.


If cupid works his magic, these three snowbound lovers might just discover they are a perfect combination for happily ever after.

By: JL Oiler 
ISBN: 9781614953890 
Publisher:  Silver Publishing

Genre: Romance, Erotica, M/M/F Format: ebook

Length: 176 pages, 33,431 Words (Entire Anthology)

Release Date: Available Now
Facebook: Jeanne L Oiler
Barrage Blog Tour Schedule:


Excerpt **This is for adults, 18+**

Christen came out of the back, wiping his hands on a faded blue dishtowel, as the only customer in the place finished paying at the register and departed. His dirty blond hair looked like he just climbed out of bed. The thirty-year-old fry cook drew women into the small establishment with his rugged good looks and cut muscles. Every woman in town and a few of the men seemed to venture to Molly's just for a peek. Morgan often wondered how many he gave private "cooking" lessons. He looked big, bad, and bulging like some sort of god. In fact, a tribal tattoo representing the god Ares circled his left bicep, and Morgan often thought he might be the god reincarnated.

Trey and Christen were darn near inseparable friends. They even shared a house together about two miles outside town. So naturally, Molly scheduled them to work the same shift. Lately that shift included Morgan as well. The three amigos handled the evening shift together five out of seven days a week. Working with those two was the highlight of her world at the moment. Morgan could spend hours just watching them as they moved about the small café. If anything in this town seemed worth staying for, the sight of both men horsing around and laughing together happened to be it. What Morgan would not give for a night of hot sex with either of them. Too bad they treated her more like a little sister than a potential lover.

"Looks like it's just us three tonight," Christen said, hopping up on one of the silver and red stools surrounding the counter.
"Most likely won't have any customers this evening." Trey said with a wink. "Tonight being Valentine’s, and with what the television said would be a pretty good storm blowing in, we might be stuck here alone all night." He added while moving up to stand only a few inches from the blond cook.
"Well then," Christen responded, a broad smile on his chiseled face, which revealed his perfect white teeth. "We should make ourselves comfortable and settle in for a long hard night."
Morgan's jaw dropped to the floor as she watched Christen run his hands around Trey's waist then up his back intimately before the smaller male leaned down and kissed him. Not just a peck, but a full out tongue-down-his-throat-make-you-weak-in-the-knees kiss.
When finally the two broke away from one another, Christen sighed and Morgan could tell he was smitten with the owner's son. This was not something she expected—she understood the two were close, but Morgan witnessed firsthand both dating women. Hell, their sexcapades were legendary in the small town. Morgan heard Molly just three months ago complain about yet one more paternity test the court ordered her beloved son to take, and then rejoice when the test came back negative.
"Hey Morgan," Trey said, awaking her out of her state of shock. "When you can close your mouth, would you mind keeping an eye on things out here while me and Chris go back into the office and fuck?"
"Or you could join us if you like." Christen offered with a suggestive wag of his perfectly sculpted eyebrows.
Morgan could not move. She thought perhaps someone glued her feet to the floor and cut out her tongue. After looking at her a moment, both men chuckled.


  1. *fans self* How can Morgan pass up that offer. I sure wouldn't. Great blurb and excerpt. Can't wait to read A Snowbound Valentine to see what happens between Morgan, Trey, and Chris.


  2. Im certain you will love it e! Thank's Bea for hosting me here today it was an honor

  3. I'm glad I could do it. Good luck with your story.


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