Monday, February 13, 2012

RWA Kiss of Death Tour: A Guest Post by Jane Toombs & A Giveaway

Kiss of Death is a chapter of the Romance Writers of America. The Kiss of Death Chapter of Romance Writers of America is committed to promoting and supporting mystery/suspense fiction with romantic elements by providing and supporting education, and committed volunteers who champion good writing and marketing of mystery/suspense works. By bringing attention to the field, KOD produces understanding and respect among writers and the publishing community.

At Kiss of Death they believe that every great romance should include suspense. Whether a spy thriller in Regency times, a paranormal romance with a revenge-seeking zombie, or a traditional serial killer after the heroine, romance relies on suspense, leading the reader through the trials of the heroine and hero to see if they will get their happily ever after ending. If you can call your writing suspenseful, then the Kiss of Death has something for you! Find out more and join at and follow us on Twitter at @RWAKissofDeath.

Today I have author Jane Toombs, a member of Kiss of Death, talking about what genre could be more perfect than romantic suspense.Thank you Jane, for taking the time to sit down and share your thoughts with us.

What Could Be More Perfect Than Romantic Suspense?
Take romance.  What is it?  There is more than one meaning,  but to writers and readers, it means  a story where two people are  going to fall in love. For my stories they are always m/f, but for  others readers they also can be m/m and f/f or combinations  thereof.

I feel I can address my  preference only, so my remarks will be  about  male/female,  however I believe they apply to anyone who falls in love.

Romantic love is an emotion every human wants to feel, which makes it popular with readers.  Many of us also want a bit of  danger mixed in, hence suspense.

The suspense can be light or darkly menacing.  I favor the latter. and my stories often contain it.  Suspense can come from one or  both of  the  characters’ emotions or backgrounds or from outside  sources and from paranormal forces. 

So what is the writer combining here?  She or he is mixing the  human drive to love and be loved with fear--another human  universal emotion.  So we have two basic human emotions in a  romantic suspense works to pique the interest of readers.  What  could be more perfect?


Format: EBOOK
Length: 168 KB
Release Date: JANUARY 2, 2012
Author Website:

Want to win this book? You're in luck! I have a copy for giveaway! Enter using the rafflecopter widget. If you leave a comment but don't use the rafflecopter widget, your comment, though greatly appreciated, won't count towards the contest.

Please read our Giveaway Policy before entering.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. "mixing the human drive to love and be loved with fear--another human universal emotion."

    I love it!

  2. Great post and beautiful book cover.

  3. Folks, in order for your comment to count for the giveaway, you HAVE to use the rafflecopter widget in the post.Otherwise, your comment, while much loved, doesn't count towards the drawing for the book.

  4. I love romantic suspense because it brings couples together and they fall in love and it keeps you on your toes.

  5. The "fear" part is so true and you have certainly made a good point by using it. We all fear not having our love reciprocated, so it does drive the story and keep the reader seeking more. I also like the cover.

  6. I love romantic suspense for both the romance in the story and the suspense that keeps you guessing. Suspense also draws the H and H together and even strengthens their love.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com


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