Monday, February 27, 2012

Review of Fair Game by Patricia Briggs & A Giveaway

Publisher: Ace
Release Date: March 6, 2012
Series: Alpha & Omega #3
Buying Links: The Book Depository

Book Blurb (from Amazon):

Patricia Briggs, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Mercy Thompson novels, "always enchants her readers." (Lynn Viehl, New York Times bestselling author) Now her Alpha and Omega series-set in a world of shifting shapes, loyalty, and passion- brings werewolves out of the darkness and into a society where fear and prejudice could make the hunters prey... 

They say opposites attract. And in the case of werewolves Anna Latham and Charles Cornick, they mate. The son-and enforcer-of the leader of the North American werewolves, Charles is a dominant alpha. While Anna, an omega, has the rare ability to calm others of her kind.

Now that the werewolves have revealed themselves to humans, they can't afford any bad publicity. Infractions that could have been overlooked in the past must now be punished, and the strain of doing his father's dirty work is taking a toll on Charles.

Nevertheless, Charles and Anna are sent to Boston, when the FBI requests the pack's help on a local serial killer case. They quickly realize that not only the last two victims were werewolves-all of them were. Someone is targeting their kind. And now Anna and Charles have put themselves right in the killer's sights...

Reviewed By: Bea

"Me," Charles said, his voice dark and gravelly as if it had traveled up from the bottom of the earth, his eyes a bright gold. "You need me." 
He kissed her again, his hands roaming from her jaw down her neck and shoulders. His hips pressed forward, and he released her mouth as he slid his body up until his sex pressed, hard and full, against hers. She jerked involuntarily, and he laughed in the same deep way that he had spoken. She growled at him, wolf to wolf.  

My Thoughts:

Awesome. Buy NOW!!

I love Patty's urban fantasy books. Her Mercy Thompson series is one of my favorites and when she started this spin-off I was very excited. It's a paranormal romance and Anna and Charles' romance is both sweet and hot, especially in this book! I was uber-excited to be sent a copy for review, but also hesitant because I love this series so much. What if I didn't love the book and couldn't give it a glowing review? I love the series so much it would have hurt to not be able to give it a great review. Happily, that was not a problem. 

"Fair Game" has it all - romance, action, character development (I wanted to smack Bran!), humor, a solid mystery, and some Boston flavor. I have really enjoyed watching Anna grow and watching the relationship between her and Charles. They have come a long way. Their romance, and the time spent in the world that Patty has created, are the reasons that I read this series. There's a lot of twists and turns, and the ending...OMG. I can not wait to see how that plays out. I wouldn't change a thing.This is an excellent book, you need to read it. But, do it when you have time. I picked it up late at night and ended up reading straight through until 5AM. Worth. Every. Minute. 

Some favorite quotes:

Anna Shrugged. "...Drugging or incapacitating one of us for long without killing us is extremely difficult." "Holy water," said Pat the former FBI agent and now Cantrip agent. Anna didn't roll her eyes but she let Charles feel her exasperation. "I could drink it every day for a week-and do it while living in the Sistine Chapel."
The name on the collar he wore was Brother Wolf. Bran had disapproved. He liked the names to be less truthful, more friendly and cute. Unusually, Charles's brother had told her, Charles had held out until his father gave in.

He'd heard Anna approach, felt the slight sway of the boat. It had been easier to be with her when he was in wolf form. Brother Wolf was not torn; he knew that they could protect her from anything-but his wolf was like that: confident. Charles was not so sanguine.

I received a hardcover from the publisher for review.


Thanks to ACE Books, I have one signed copy of the anthology, "On the Prowl", which contains the short story, "Alpha and Omega", that started this series. 

To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. i haven't yet read any of the books in this series. I look forward to reading the series and getting a fave character though.


  2. I haven't read any yet, but would love to try!

  3. I havent read any books in the series but would like to very much.

  4. I haven`t read any of these yet, would like to they sound interesting

  5. Hi, I'm a new follower from Book Blogs! You can check out my site here

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I love all Patricia Briggs' books -- the first one that comes to mind is from the Alpha & Omega series is Asil from Cry Wolf!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  7. Love all the books Patricia Briggs writes.....And out of all the characters...No matter how frustrating he can be, I just Love Bran-He's my favorite character!!

  8. My favorite character is Charles!!!

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  9. I LOVED this series! I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well! Great review! Very well thought out and i'd have to say for me, I don't think Charles is overshadowed by Adam at all, i actually prefer his characters :)

    Irene (Pocket Knife Planet)


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