Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Review of Between Their Worlds by Barb & JC Hendee

  • Publisher: Roc Hardcover 
  • Release Date: January 4, 2011
  • Buying LinksBarnes & Noble  Amazon
  • Blurb:  (from authors' site)
  • “A unique tale of vampires and half-vampire undead hunters set against a dark fantasy world ruled by tyrants,”* the Noble Dead Saga continues to entrance readers with action-packed adventures and an intriguing mythology. Now national bestselling authors Barb and J.C. Hendee present the long-awaited return of dhampir Magiere and half-elf Leesil…
  • Wynn Hygeorht receives unexpected visitors at the Guild of Sagecraft. Magiere and Leesil, along with the elven wolf Chap, have come for her, but Wynn can't afford to leave. She needs access to the texts within the guild's archives, which may help her decipher the locations of the last two orbs sought by the Ancient Enemy.
  • There are five orbs in total. Magiere and Leesil have two of them in safe-keeping. Chane Andraso, the vampire who loves Wynn, has hidden the Orb of Earth on her orders. To complete her task — and protect the orbs — Wynn must remain sequestered from her friends
But she's essentially a prisoner. One of the guild's superiors is just as eager for Wynn to translate the ancient texts, but she knows the others will not permit her to share that knowledge — knowledge Magiere and Leesil desperately need if they're going to stop the Ancient Enemy from unleashing war on the land…

Reviewed by: Jax

My Thoughts:

In every series, you get that book that ties up loose ends and sets up the next the next level of's the nature of sagas. Usually, they are the books I endure, knowing/trusting that the pay off will be some awesome book to come. It was an unexpected pleasure to get to the end of this book, and not feel that moment of "is that all?" that I commonly feel in these "bridge" books. Instead of a ho-hum skip from one side to the other, JC and Barb give us intrigue and battles. Even up to the end, you're not sure who is the troll that is going to gobble up the travelers and who is going to truly help them in their quest.

I love that the right answers aren't clear, that relationships are strained and tested, and that the characters hide necessary information from each other causing that much more chaos and confusion. A thoroughly enjoyable read.

I received a hardcover from the publisher for review.

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