Sunday, February 26, 2012

In My Mailbox #19

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.


I won this in a Random House giveaway.


Kindle Freebies


As you can see, I had a very good book week. How was yours, what did you get?


  1. Very nice sweetie. Some of those Kindle Freebies look hot.

  2. Thanks Grace. I expect some of them will be very hot.

  3. I've got Evernight too! ;) Lovely haul, Bea! Have you noticed that all stock photos with the couple on Lux series cover by jennifer L. Armentrout are featured on gazillion other covers? I keep seeing them in different poses like with Unforeseen Reunion :))) They must be really popular! Enjoy all your books!

  4. I have noticed! There's a Lori of cover repetition, which is sad. I'd rather see something original.

    1. Lot, not Lori. Bad auto correct, and Bad Bea for not catching that.

  5. Holy moly, those are some steamy book covers lol! :P I really want to get my hands on Everneath, I've seen lots of people with that one this week because it's a freebie :)

    Hope you enjoy everything that you got this week! You can check out my IMM at the link below :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

    1. Not only was Evernight a freebie but it's a reissue with extras. I've read the entire series but I couldn't pass this up. :)

  6. You will love the Play by Play series...the first book I mean. Jaci Burton is awesome! :-)
    _yay_ @


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!