Friday, February 24, 2012

EXCERPT & GIVEAWAY: C791 by Eve Langlais

Romance author Eve Langlais is back today, celebrating her newest release, "C791". A little about Eve, from her website:

Hello, my name is Eve. I'm a stay at home mom who works as a webmistress/customer service rep and in between juggling my three kids, hubby, and housework, I write really raunchy stuff--usually with werewolves lol.

I was born in British Columbia, but being a military brat, I have lived a little bit everywhere--Quebec, New Brunswick, Labrador, Virginia (USA) and finally Ontario. My family and I currently just outside Ottawa, our nation's capital.

I am the first person to admit I am totally boring and lead a mundane life. Seriously. My idea of fun is shopping at our local Walmart lol. I like to play video games, cook, and read. My inspiration, hmm, I guess you could say hubby as he is a total alpha male which means I often want to club him over head with a frying pan. But, despite his ornery, 'I-am-man' nature, I love him dearly. I do have a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor something I like to let loose in my writing.

I'm writing romance, my way. I like strong alpha males, naked chests and werewolves. Lots of werewolves. In fact, you'll notice most of my multi partner stories revolve around great, big, overprotective Lycans who just want to please their woman. I am also extremely partial to aliens, you know the kind who abduct their woman and then drive them insane...with pleasure of course.
My heroines, they kind of run the gamut. I have some that are shy and soft spoken, others that will kick a man in the balls and laugh. Many of them are chubby, because in my world, girls with curves ROCK! Oh and some of my heroines are a teeny tiny bit evil, but in their defense, they need love too.

Some of my work does push boundaries and cross lines. Good and evil aren't always clear in my tales, and in some cases, I've stomped on well known religious ideologies. Have I mentioned my imagination is a tad bit warped?

I tend to have a lot of sexual tension in my tales because I think all torrid love affairs start with a tingle in our tummies. And when my characters do finally give in to the needs of their flesh? Well, let's just say, you shouldn't be reading my stuff at work. The door is wide open, explicit and hot. Really, really hot.

I love to write, and while I don't always know what my mind is going to come up with next, I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a HEA.

Thanks so much for coming by and checking me out. I wish you many hours of happy reading--and sexy times with your partner.

Machines aren’t supposed to feel, but this cyborg can’t help falling in love. 

Assigned as a specimen collector for a captured cyborg, Chloe is intrigued by the machine disguised as a man. Kidnapped during his daring escape, he takes her on an erotic adventure and shows her that despite the chip in his brain, his humanity is not completely lost.

Formerly known as unit X109GI, Joe is on a quest to discover his origin. While he doesn’t find the answers he’s looking for, he does discover that affection and lust aren’t just for humans. But when it comes to a battle between logic and love, which side will the cybernetic organism--once a man--choose? 

Evaluating his feelings will have to wait though, because the military isn’t done with Joe. When they threaten the one thing he wants above all else, he’ll discover something shocking that will rock the new cyborg nation—and fuel a desire for vengeance.     

By Eve Langlais
Published by: Eve Langlais
ISBN: 978-0-9869154-6-8
Format: MMP  ebook - Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Reader, EPUB, Mobipocket
Length: 42,350 words
Release Date:FEBRUARY 21, 2012
Buying Links:  AllRomance     Amazon      BookStrand
Author Website:


          EXCERPT **This is for adults, 18+**

The sight of Chloe and Seth so at ease with each other, and worse, touching each other set something off inside Joe, a combination of irrational anger sprinkled with a covetousness he’d not experienced but had heard of. Jealousy. 

Whatever the name for the emotion, he found himself unable to halt it as he ripped Seth away from Chloe’s side and sent his fist into the grinning face. He maintained enough control to not beat his friend to a pulp — barely — but he couldn’t stop himself from slinging Chloe over his shoulder and stomping off to their room. 

“What the heck was that about?” she exclaimed as she dangled down his back. 

“You seem to have forgotten who you belong to.” 

She didn’t say anything for a moment. “Are you jealous?” 

“No.” Yes! 

“It’s normal to feel that way. It just never occurred to me you would.” 

“I don’t. Jealousy is a human emotion. I am a cyborg. We are above such petty wastes of our time.” 

“Really. Well then, someone should probably explain that to Seth’s face,” she drawled. 

“This is not entertaining. You were practically inviting him to take ownership of your body.” 

“I was not,” she exclaimed, and a small rational part of him knew she spoke truly, but he’d lost the ability to decipher logic from madness where she was concerned. 

Arriving at their room, he tossed her onto the bed and quickly tore at his clothes. 

“What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes wide, but not with trepidation if the protruding nipples through her shirt were any indication. 

“Showing you who owns your body.” 


“Wrong answer,” he growled. “I do. And it seems I must show you.” 

He fell on her, and despite her previous defiant answer, she welcomed him with open arms and a fierce kiss. Her legs spread wide to accommodate his body, but while he’d denuded his frame, she remained dressed. Their hands met at the closing to her pants, their impatient battle to remove them more of a fumbling parody. When he finally managed to strip them from her, he was ready to sink himself into her. He retained enough wits though to realize she required preparation for his penetration. With sex bots, that never proved a concern as they arrived to service pre-lubed. Human females however, according to his studies, required stimulation to achieve the same state. He slid a hand between her thighs and, to his relief, found her already soaking wet. It pleased him, on a level he did not understand, that Chloe achieved this state around him without means of manipulation. 

He wasted no more time. He propped himself above her and thrust into her sex. Oh, the exquisite, unexplainable feel of her channel clamping tightly around his cock. He would never tire of it. Never tire of her. But did she feel the same about him? He had to know. 

“Tell me who you belong to.” 

Her eyes opened part way, her lids heavy with arousal. “Why do you care?” 

He rammed into her hard. She gasped. 

A growl left him. “Do not toy with me. You are my female. Not Seth’s. Not anyone else’s. Say you belong to me.” He almost roared the words, desperate to hear her say it. 

For a moment defiance flashed in her gaze. “And if I don’t?”


The giveaway is open internationally, the winner will receive a PDF of the book. You must be of legal adult age for the country you reside in.

Please read our Giveaway Policy

To enter, see the Rafflecopter widget below.

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  1. I have several of Eve Langlais' books and enjoy them all ,I love the sound of this one :)
    Irene Jackson

  2. I have read and loved many of Eve's books! I can't wait to read this one too. She is definitely a must read for me, and I am working on reading all her books that I missed out on. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of C791!

  3. I love the sound of this book. I really want to read it.

  4. I haven't heard of Eve before but I really like the excerpt from the book. I'll have to check out her werewolf stuff. I love a good werewolf romance.


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