Sunday, January 15, 2012

In My Mailbox #15 - Armstrong, del Franco, and Covington, Oh My!

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

This past week was an AWESOME book week for me. The book fairy was very, very kind to me. :)


I won this from the Dream site; it's a great way to learn about new books, and win them. I enjoy this series, so I jumped at the chance to win it. I still can't believe I actually did. 


The author is a friend of mine and when I mentioned that Amazon didn't have it yet, she emailed it to me. How nice was that?  :)



SQUEEEEE! I am so happy, and surprised, that I got this. I love Kelley's writing and the first book in this YA series, The Gathering, was wonderful. 

This is such a good urban fantasy series. And, it's set in Boston MA, just up the highway from me. :D

Not one of my fave series but one I do enjoy very much. Has from The Book Pushers introduced me to Caine's Weather Warden's series and this is an offshoot. They are both good.

I had an awesome book week. :) How was yours?


  1. Ooh, good win on the Linda Robertson books. That's a great series!

    My book gathering this week included: library, e-books, and my "big count" for the Read Your Own Books Challenge (yes, there are 62 books on my shelves that I've never read! Yikes.)

    1. Only 62 Jess? I have somewhere between 400-500 books.

      I was super excited about winning the Robertson book. I haven't read it yet but soon. :)

  2. you lucky ducky!!!! :P happy reading and reviewing! looking forward to it all. :)

  3. Great mailbox, bea! I bet Kelley Armstrong will e a wonderful read, she always is. I so need to read this series - I Totally missed it. Enjoy all your books! :)

    1. I'm a huge Kelley fan and I really liked the first YA series and the first book in this series.

  4. Great set. I really need to start reading Kelley Armstrong. People rave about her books.
    My IMM

    1. Alison, I strongly recommend her books, adult and YA. The two YA series are set in the same world as her adult series but all three series can be read independently.

  5. My goodness! What kept your mailbox from bursting into flames?! Looks like a fantastic group of reads, looking forward to several of those myself! Enjoy!

  6. Now that you mention it, my mailbox was a bit hot to the touch. :D


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