Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blog Tour Hosts Needed!

Sizzling PR, a book promotions company that I sometimes work with, is looking for new hosts. The demand for their services is so high that there just aren't enough hosts. They specialize in romances of all flavors, and they do an excellent job of providing you the information you need for posts. If you're interested, take a look at their site, then fill out this form.


  1. Hmm.. their site doesn't really tell us anything. What kind of books and hosts do they look for? What are their upcoming/current/past tours?

  2. Hi Gisele, I just sent you an email.

    Sizzling's focus is on romances of every kind. I believe Marissa looks for an established blog, with regular posts, and romance as one of the genres that you cover.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!