Thursday, December 1, 2011

Review of "Silver Sparks" by Starr Ambrose

Publisher: Pocket Books Romance
Release Date: November 29th, 2011
Buying Links: Amazon     The Book Depository

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

The Larkin sisters are used to hearing whispers behind their backs. Being raised by hippie parents in the small resort town of Barringer’s Pass, Colorado, they were always considered oddballs, and for a while, they did everything they could to earn the name. But now, older and wiser, they're discovering that it's not so great to be the wild child, and are struggling to earn a new place for themselves in town. 

When Maggie Larkin resists the come-ons of a sleazy actor in town to shoot a film, she pisses off more than a pretty boy and his manager. Turns out that Rafe DeLuca isn't just a movie star...he's possibly a killer, and Maggie's landed herself in more trouble than she could imagine. Enter Cal Drummond, cop extraordinaire, who's been trailing DeLuca himself for weeks, convinced that his recently murdered sister is one of Rafe's victims. He's determined not to let another woman be victimized by the dangerous Rafe, and if that means sticking like glue to Maggie, so be it. 

Maggie and Cal seem like perfect opposites, but as we all know...opposites attract!


She stuck her hands in her pockets, pausing to scan the various buildings set among towering pines and huge outcroppings of pink granite. The trees blocked his view of the snow-covered peak of Two Bears, but the cool wind reminded him it was there. It whipped over snowfields before curling down to the dense forests and sun-drenched meadows of the commune. Maggie turned her face toward the wind, letting it toss her hair into a fiery mane. Cal watched, mesmerized. This was how he'd always think of her, he realized. Not standing up to Rafe, or working happily in her store. Not even naked and hot beneath him. He'd see her here, touched by the wild freedom of the mountain. It was part of her.

My Thoughts:

"Silver Sparks" is a fast, fun, romantic romp. It wasn't quite as fluffy as I first thought but it is a light read. It's the first in a trilogy about the Larkin sisters. They had an unconventional upbringing and, in their teen years, earned reputations as wild and crazy. All grown up now, they have calmed down and settled down but their reputations cling to them. Maggie's bad reputation both hurts and helps her in this story and she finds unexpected allies. 

One thing I really liked was that, for the most part, Ambrose avoided the easy stereotypes and cliches. She does indulge in the cliche of the rich, powerful ruthless family but in the context of the story, it worked. The story of the lone cop hunting a killer on his own has been done to death but it's not the story we've come to expect. Cal is out for vengeance but he's not some misfit loner rebel cop who does things his way. He plays by the rules and he's cautious.

Cal and Maggie work well together as a couple and are very believable. Ambrose writes interesting, realistic characters and the story flows well. It's a good mix of mystery and romance and I definitely want to read the next book.

I received this paperback from the publisher for review.


  1. Hey Bea,
    If you liked that you might want to try Creep by Jennifer Hiller. Its quite dark and I think it might be up your alley. (Although that might not be a good thing to read if you're planning any late night jaunts. LOL)

    As usual, a solid review.

  2. I've heard of Hiller but never read her. I may have to look her up.

  3. Thanks, Bea!I loved letting Cal and Maggie fall in love, and I loved making romance hit them at the most inconvenient time!


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