Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Press: Ink Babes

I'm a little late with the news but there's a new indie pub looking for submissions. I'm acquainted with some of the people behind it, we've chatted online. They are currently seeking submissions. Here's the info they were kind enough to send me when I asked:

Who the heck are the Ink Babes?
We’re a bunch of wild and crazy gals looking to mix up some dark magic through the power of words. Singularly, we are Lisa Forget, Tammy Crosby and Patricia Hollett. Collectively we are the InkBabes. Our love of writing and passion for reading good stories is something we all share and so we decided to do something as writers, for writers, and most important of all, for readers!

What the heck is Bleeding Ink Anthology?
It is to be a compilation of mixed pieces in a refreshing format. We set up our blog/website as a place for writers to get to know us and to come together to share ideas and be inspired to pen some dark tales. 
We want the Bleeding Ink anthology to be a little darkling, creatively filled with a variety of pieces including elements such as; vampires, supernatural beings, witches, werewolves, ghosts, necromancers, fairies, death, blood, gore, creatures, apocalypse, and anything else with dark undertones. All are welcome to submit their work to Bleeding Ink Anthology.
Currently we are accepting submissions for the following:
Short Story – 1,000 – 5,000
Flash Fiction – Under 1,000 words
50 Word Stories
Prose, Poetry & Micropoetry
Each story must each include either dark, twisted, supernatural, fantasy, frightening, freaky or even shocking and funny elements. But the MOST important factor of all; the piece must give the reader pause. We’re looking for stories that make us want to tell all our friends about reading it because it was just THAT good! It can be as simple as 6 words, or as complex as you can get using the full 5k allowance.
Pop in and check us out, we’re waiting for your words.

~May your muses be dark and your pen be bold!~

  I'm not sure at this point if they are publishing in print, digital, or both, and I'm also uncertain if they will be publishing other books. I believe that currently this is the only one planned. But the anthology sounds interesting, if you're a writer it might be worth your time to submit.


  1. Thank you Bea for the wonderful post about our new site and our anthology. It's because of people like yourself that our venture will be a success. Many thanks for your time and your interest! Totally appreciated! :)


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