Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Fantasy Anthology Open For Submissions

Along the lines of yesterday's post about a new anthology, today we have another indie pub seeking horror and dark fantasy submissions. This time it's Anachron Press.

"Day of Demons" will be a collection of dark fantasy stories that deal with the effects of ‘demons’ over the course of a single day. This could be literally a large, flaming demon wreaking havoc upon a city/town/village, or it could be an internal ‘demon’ that is troubling your character. The key thing is that your story should take place over the time span of a single day.
While they like it dark, they aren’t opposed to all areas of fantasy. They are interested in the epic/high fantasy tropes as much as they are of the dark urban fantasy.
The deadline for submissions is March 1st. 2012 and word count is 4k to 6k.

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