Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Erotic romance author Eve Langlais is doing a blog tour to celebrate the release of her new PNR novel, "Jealous and Freakin'". Thanks to her and Sizzling PR, I have one copy to giveaway.


How can she make him stop thinking of her as a freakn’ sister?
Francine’s loved Mitchell, a wolf like herself, since she first set eyes on him back when they were just kids. However, Mitchell’s never seen her as more than another annoying sister. Determined to make him realize she’s all grown up, she enlists the  aide of Alejandro, a gorgeous cat shifter. She never counted on wanting them both. 

Alejandro knows Francine is special from the first moment he meets  the fiery plump wolf, which is why he suggests she use him to make Mitchell jealous. A great plan, especially if it means he gets to kiss those luscious lips. One taste, though, and he’s addicted, but how does he make her see past the man she loves to realize she’s also meant to be his mate?

For a long time now, Mitchell’s been avoiding Francine, his bratty sister’s friend. However, the little girl he remembers is all grown up, and when he sees her in the arms of another, a need to claim her overrides all his common sense. But, he’s waited too long and fate has decided that he’s going to have to share. Can he bend enough to accept Francine with her other man, or will his freakn’ jealousy send him running?

Warning: Excessive amounts of heat may be generated when reading this story. Do not sit or stand  near flammable objects unless they happen to be your partner. Please note, that while the heroes sustained injuries during the course of the story, Francine did eventually kiss them all better, naked of course. This is a ménage romance, with heavy emphasis on the romance. It does contain multi partner, sexual situations that some people may find titillating. Reader discretion is advised. 

You can read an excerpt here on Ms Langlais' site.

By Eve Langlais
Published by: Eve Langlais
ISBN: 978-0-9869154-6-8
Format: MMP  ebook - Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Reader, EPUB, Mobipocket
Length: 52,500 words
Release Date: NOVEMBER 18, 2011
Buying Links:  AllRomance     Amazon      BookStrand
Author Website:
Author Bio:

 Hello, my name is Eve. I'm a stay at home mom who works as a webmistress/customer service rep and in between juggling my three kids, hubby, and housework, I write really raunchy stuff--usually with werewolves lol.

I was born in British Columbia, but being a military brat, I have lived a little bit everywhere--Quebec, New Brunswick, Labrador, Virginia (USA) and finally Ontario. My family and I currently reside in the historic town of Bowmanville, about an hour or so out of Toronto.

I am the first person to admit I am totally boring and lead a mundane life. Seriously. My idea of fun is shopping at our local Walmart lol. I like to play video games, cook, and read. My inspiration, hmm, I guess you could say hubby as he is a total alpha male which means I often want to club him over head with a frying pan. But, despite his ornery, 'I-am-man' nature, I love him dearly. I do have a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor something I like to let loose in my writing.

I'm writing romance, my way. I like strong alpha males, naked chests and werewolves. Lots of werewolves. In fact, you'll notice most of my multi partner stories revolve around great, big, overprotective Lycans who just want to please their woman. I am also extremely partial to aliens, you know the kind who abduct their woman and then drive them insane...with pleasure of course.

My heroines, they kind of run the gamut. I have some that are shy and soft spoken, others that will kick a man in the balls and laugh. Many of them are chubby, because in my world, girls with curves ROCK! Oh and some of my heroines are a teeny tiny bit evil, but in their defense, they need love too.

Some of my work does push boundaries and cross lines. Good and evil aren't always clear in my tales, and in some cases, I've stomped on well known religious ideologies. Have I mentioned my imagination is a tad bit warped?

I tend to have a lot of sexual tension in my tales because I think all torrid love affairs start with a tingle in our tummies. And
when my characters do finally give in to the needs of their flesh? Well, let's just say, you shouldn't be reading my stuff at work. The door is wide open, explicit and hot. Really, really hot.

I love to write, and while I don't always know what my mind is going to come up with next, I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a HEA.

Thanks so much for coming by and checking me out. I wish you many hours of happy reading--and sexy times with your partner .
Eve Langlais

To enter, leave a comment using Rafflecopter. Giveaway is open internationally. You do not need to be a follower. You MUST be 18 to enter.


  1. What more could we want from a good book than"strong alpha males,naked chests and lots of werewolves" sigh!
    Love all your books.

  2. Thank you for the chance to win-looks like a book I'd love to read and review :)

  3. I love Eve Langlais' books! You are definitely one of my favorite authors. I can always be assured that the story will be hot and a fun read!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

  5. I absolutely love Eve's stories and plump heroines! I can't wait to read Jealous and Freakin'!


  6. This sounds like a great book love her book can't wait to read this one! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  7. Liked Eve`s interview, would love to read this story. Werewolves rule!!!

  8. This does sound like a pretty steamy book. I think I need to add this to my to be read pile :)


  9. I love Eva's books and this one looks to be a good one too.


  10. OOOOOh nice! I'd love to win this book! Thank you!!

  11. Awesome Post. I have only read two books by Eve and I have had my eyes on this series. Would love to win it.

    I love sexy Alpha's, their power is so sexually attractive. LOL

    Their bodies are usually to die for - hee hee.

    Ronda Tutt


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