Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Winners! Lots of winners!

I had four giveaways end over the weekend, it was a busy week for giveaways. Now that they have all ended, here are the winners.
1) The winners of "So Near" by Liza Gyllenhaal are Marjorie (posted Sat. Oct. 22) and Carol Wong (posted Sat. Oct. 22)

2) The winners of "Sins of the Angels" by Linda Poitevin are Michelle Adams (posted Thurs. Oct. 20) and Jennelle S (posted Thurs. Oct. 20)

3) The winner of an ecopy of "Hide'N Go Seek" by Dale Mayer is Kathryn Merkel.

4) The winner of the shoe charm from "Sirenz Back in Fashion" is Kayla (posted Sun. Oct. 23)

Congratulations everyone, I hope you enjoy your prizes.


  1. Congrats to all the winners.
    I was thrilled to be one of them.
    Thank you so very much.

  2. I cannot believe I got my book in the mail yesterday.
    Wow, thanks again.

  3. You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived so quickly. That's always fun.


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