Friday, November 25, 2011

Review of "True Surrender" by Tracey Cramer-Kelly

Publisher: CreateSpace
Release Date: September 29th, 2011
Buying Links: Amazon     AbeBooks

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

When Major Aaron Bricewick is rescued from Afghanistan terrorists, he thinks the worst is over. But his personal journey is just beginning... The first surprise is the amputation of one of his legs. The second is the woman he left behind, now a widow with a 4-year-old son - and his new prosthetist (artificial limb maker). He vows that losing his leg won't derail his career. But maintaining his outward appearance as a got-it-together officer becomes increasingly difficult as he faces one personal demon after another - and sees his career aspirations slipping away. And though he has no intention of expanding his life to include a woman, his heart has other ideas - and he finds himself questioning the very foundation of his personal beliefs. When violence - and unexpected redemption - touch his life again, Aaron must make a stand. Which will he choose: duty or love?


He tried to think of something appropriate to say. How does one address a lover they haven't seen in 12 years? And in this, of all situations? Try as he night, he could not get his brain working. The drugs, he thought. It's the drugs.

My Thoughts:

"True Surrender" is heart-breaking, tear jerker of a story. This is not a bad thing by any means. It grabbed me from the beginning and held my attention right to the end. It's about faith, love, courage, duty, and honor. Aaron Bricewick has been through a lot and his troubles are not over. He has to learn how to live, physically and emotionally, with only one leg; cope with the emotional after effects of what he and his teammates endured in captivity; and deal with the consequences to his military career. In the midst of all this, he also re-unites with a former lover, discovers God, and loses a friend.

It sounds like a lot to deal with and it is, but it's a fast read, and an absorbing one. Despite the seriousness of the topics, it doesn't beat you over the head with them and it's ultimately a story of hope and love. I questioned, at times, the behavior of Bricewick's superiors and what was happening with his career. As it turned out, those questions were crucial to the story and played into the ending. Unfortunately, I felt like the resolution to those questions and how they played was melodramatic and over the top. The book was a four star read for me until about 80% in when it turned melodramatic and then it became a three star read. Despite that, I recommend this book, it was a good read.

Some quotes:

"Leaders can only make the best decisions they can, with the information they have at their disposal at that time-however limited that information may be."
"My point exactly," she said. "And how can leaders not make mistakes when they are forced to work with less than optimal information? They're only human after all."

Scott knew. Knew that he'd shut God out, even while needing Him more than anything. But could he let go of his anger?

I  received a PDF for review.


  1. Bea, I want to thank you for taking the time to read True Surrender and share your thoughts about the book.

    I would like to invite your readers to submit any questions they might have (about the book or the writing process), and I will do my best to respond!

    There is a book trailer as well as a full music video with scenes from the book at my web site:

    In honor of my first 'virtual' book tour, I'm giving away a t-shirt and 'Freedom Isn't Free' bracelets to randomly-drawn commentators during the tour.

  2. Hi Tracey,

    thanks for stopping by today. I did enjoy your book and I wish you well with it. Thank you too for your own military service.

  3. An honest and succinct review Bea. I like your nook, it's nice and cosy here... :-)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!