Sunday, October 30, 2011

"My Blood Runs Blue" Blog Tour with Stacy Eaton: Guest Post & Giveaway

Currently Stacy works full time as a Police Officer for a small township in Southeastern Pennsylvania. While her current position is that of a patrol officer, she spends a lot of my time doing investigations and crime scene processing.  She loves forensics and takes her job seriously.

  She is also Police Officer's wife and with their constant schedules life can get very hectic in their home. She's been blessed with two children; a son and a daughter. Her son is currently in the United States Navy, and she's very proud of him for what he is doing and for serving his Country. Her daughter is a priceless princess who loves to help her market her books to teachers and other parents while she is at school and church.

When she's not working the job that currently pays all the bills, she works on her business. Yes, she even has her own business.

She has two Shiloh Shepherd dogs, Garda and Callie. They are a bit different than the standard German Shepherds most people are use to. They are larger and less aggressive and they have more fur!  Man do they have fur!!!  Garda has a face that resembles a wolf, which makes her love him even more. (You can see by her photo that I wear a wolf pendant). Garda actually means "The Guardian" in Irish. It is also the name of the Irish Police.  Rather fitting for their family of officers don't you think?

In her spare time...She writes.

Stacy can be found on her website, twitter and Google+

Book Blurb:

“I’m still a cop, and my blood runs blue.”

Officer Kristin Greene has always felt that something was missing from her life. Although her job with the Fawn Hollow Township Police Department keeps her busy, she still feels like there is something else out there for her. She soon finds herself investigating a homicide where a young woman has had her throat ripped out. As she begins to dig for the answers, she finds herself thrown into a world she didn’t know ever existed. When the two strong and silent men walk into her life, she finds herself being pulled into a love triangle that has been going on longer than she has been alive. Who are they and why do they keep calling her Calista? Join Kristin as she fights to learn the truth about the recent murder, the two seductive men who have entered into her life and the real truth about herself.

My Blood Runs Blue is book one of the series. Blue Blood for Life is the second book and was released on September 30, 2011.

My Blood Runs Blue is an adult Action/Romance Series and is intended for mature audiences.

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I have been asked many times if my series, My Blood Runs Blue is a Paranormal Romance or an Urban Fantasy.  Until recently, I honestly couldn’t have told you. After the research that I have done to write this, I have found that answer and I can safely and happily say, I fall into the Urban Fantasy genre.

With all that I have read I have found that to be considered a Paranormal Romance; the story must be deep into the romantic aspect and have elements of the supernatural world while dealing with some other smaller issues. Many of these issues would deal more with relationships and personal growth of the characters, especially the ones that have the supernatural aspects. Paranormal Romance is a sub-genre of Fictional Romance with added aspects bringing it into the paranormal world.  The use of vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, fairies, demons and witches play deeply into the work of PNR.

Now with Urban Fantasy they say that it is somewhat opposite. The story deals with a more suspense plot and keeps the romance to the back burner not focusing on it as a high point.  It still deals with many of the same aspects of Paranormal with vampires, werewolves and such, but might even bring in more Sci-Fi aspects. Many people out there say that to be Urban Fantasy the characters are dealing with Good versus Evil and that it’s called Urban Fantasy because it takes place in an urban setting. 

Now I’m not so sure on that last part. I mean I have read books where they aren’t in some large urban metropolis but a more rural country setting.  My series is more on that line, taking place in a small country township on the outskirts of the Philadelphia area. Should my book then be characterized as a Rural Fantasy?  Is there even such a thing?

I did a lot of reading of blog posts, comments and even checked out Wikipedia to see what they had to say.  It was while I was reading the information on Wikipedia that it explained Adult Urban Fantasy, ( and explained to me that most urban fantasies are told by first person narrative, which mine is. It also stated that this type of fantasy worked through a lot of law enforcement or vigilantism.

So since my books are written in the first person narrative from not only Officer Kristin Greene’s perspective, but also through the first person perspective of Alexander and Julia, who work for the Vampire Military Force, I can safely assume at this point that my series would be classified more as an Urban Fantasy then a paranormal romance. 

I was asked why I choose to write in the genre that I wrote.  Well, until I began writing this post, I didn’t even really know what genre I was writing.  I wrote the first two books of my series from my mind, without having thought about where I would be listing it.  I wrote it from my heart and my mind.  I didn’t set out to write a UF, I just did.  

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Use the rafflecopter widget to enter for a chance to win a copy of "My Blood Runs Blue" 


  1. Thank you Bea for allowing me to stop by and for offering a Giveaway!!! Look forward to meeting your readers!

  2. Stacy, I didn't enter because I've already got it! :-) Great read. I love your vampire concept and I also really enjoy the authentic police voice you bring to your books.

    Looking forward to book 3!

  3. My pleasure Stacy. Thank you for taking the time. :)

  4. Regina - Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it!!!

  5. This story sound great! I will have to check out the whole series:)
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  6. Brendajean and Leanne- thank you for stopping by!!! Good Luck!

  7. I've been following Stacy for a little while now. I can't wait to read :)

  8. Allison - Glad to hear I have a stalker! lol.. following me around! lol.. I love it! How about you come up and have coffee with me now!

  9. hii.Book sounds interesting!!can't wait to read this series!!Thanks for the giveaway!!


  10. thanks for the giveaway. the book sounds great. i would love to win it.

  11. The book sounds really great!
    Thanks for the opportunity !

  12. Wow, I'm excited to join this giveaway. Thanks so much for having this. I would love to have this book :D



Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!