Friday, October 28, 2011

He Writes Awesome Books & Breaks Concrete Blocks With His Bare Hands!

Who is this Superman, you ask? Why it's YA author Mike Mullin (I almost typed Mulligan instead of Mullin :D There's a kids book, "Mike Mulligan & His Steam Shovel" that always comes to mind when I see "Mike Mullin" in print. Yes, I know, I'm weird. :P)

Aaaanyway, back to the matter at hand. Mike's debut novel, "Ashfall", was recently released and it's very, very, very good. Don't believe me? Check out my review. Buy and read the book. Then, if you can, go to one of Mike's Book Tour stops where he will dazzle you with his martial arts abilities, including chopping cinder blocks with his bare hands (his character Alex does something similar in the book). If you're really lucky, he'll sign it and you can take it home. You have to admit, it's not your typical book swag, LOL.

Mike is coming to the Northeast portion of the US in the spring and I am hoping that he'll be within a reasonable driving distance so I can meet him. Maybe, just maybe, I'll leave with a signed cinder block (and a signed book of course :) )

You can get more info on both blog tours and bookstore tours at his site.


  1. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel was (along with Where the Wild Things Are) my favorite book until I turned 5ish!

    My hands are sore today--I'm glad to have a day off. I lost my concentration and failed the break twice at Metro High School in Cedar Rapids yesterday. It HURTS when you fail. I did persevere and break for them on the second attempt, so they have signed pieces of concrete, ha!

  2. Hi Mike! I bet you're hands sore. I am always amazed that you, and other martial arts practiotioners, don't break your hands in addition to the blocks.

    So you like Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel,eh? Good, if I mess up and call you Mulligan instead of Mullin, you'll know where it came from and I won't be as embarassed as I might be otherwise. :P

    I hope you enjoy your day off. With all of the driving you've been doing for your tour, I'm sure you need a day off.

  3. I laughed at the cinder block comment. I'll check it out..the book of course, not the cinder block! LOL Thanks Bea! :)

  4. I hope you like the book Pat. And check out Mike on Twitter too, @Mike_Mullin. He tweets interesting links on all sorts of topics.

  5. Sounds like an intriguing book. I hadn't heard of Mike Mullin before (nor Mike Mulligan hehe) but I may check this out :)

  6. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm not a fan of dystopian stories. But, if you go looking for the book, do a title search. There's Mike Mullin, the author of Ashfall, and there's Michael Mullin, who writes picture books and MG/YA books.


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