Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award

I received my first blog award, from the very kind Book BagLady. As you see from the picture above, it's called "One Lovely Blog Award". This was a delightful surprise. Thanks so much Louise, aka Book BagLady. :)

There are two very simple rules that accompany this award:

1.  Share "7" facts about yourself and...
2.  Pass this award on to "15" other deserving blog owners

"7" Random Facts About Me:

1) I'm scared of burns - sunburns, grease burns, etc. I'm terrified.
2) My paternal grandmother hated my given name and right up to my baptsim, tried to convince my parents to change it.
3) I can eat an entire can of black olives in one sitting.
4) I love to watch NCIS and Law & Order.
5) I once dated a guy  I met via a wrong number.
6) Despite all of the social media that I do, I'm actually pretty shy and awkward in social situations.
7) I was an Air Force brat. My siblings and I were each born in a different state.

Ok, now to pass this onto 15 other deserving bloggers:

1) Jax at Tangled Yarns
2) Kyla Holt
3) Reading the Paranormal
4) There's A Book
5) Mary (Bookhounds)  
6) D.B. Reynolds
7) J.A. Campbell
8) P.J. Schnyder
9) Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories
10) Krista D. Ball
11) Seleste deLaney
12) Book Chick City
13) Simply Junebug
14) Pia Newman
15) Brittanys Thoughts

Now, go forth and spread the loveliness. :)


  1. I love black olives!

    Great learning new things about my internet buds...

  2. Thanks Ang. It is a fun way to learn more. Black olives soooo yummy - on a pizza, in a salad, out of the can. Mmm

  3. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! xoxo

  4. Black Olives, ooh Bea ick!

    Thanks for the award love but for past year have not been accepting them as not had time to pass on and etc.

    Right now with everything am going through emotionally after having our home destroyed by Wildfire this past Sunday am not able to really even think about much else as we are stuck homeless and pretty well shell shocked in motel rooms with the pets.

    Bea you and your siblings are a group I do not envy, I am so happy had a chance to live in one place for all of my school years you have no idea!

  5. Awww, thanks. I'll post soon. Love the facts!

  6. Wow! Thanks, Bea. :-) What a lovely start to the day.

    This really is a fun way to learn things about others.
    Though for me one of the facts would be that while I *hate* black olives, I can eat an entire jar of pickled garlic. :-D

    (Since I'm going on holiday on Saturday and am not sure I'll have time to post anything until then, it might be the beginning of October til I can pass on the award myself.)

  7. brinkka2011 says: Awsome post, Im now one of your feed followers

  8. brinkka2011 says: Wow, superb blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your website is magnificent, as well as the content!


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