Friday, August 12, 2011

Random Book News - Dr. Seuss, Censorship and an awesome indie bookstore

There were some really interesting bits of news today on the web so I've gathered up the ones that appealed to me so you could see them in all in one place. I also tweeted most of them.

First up, awards were being given out today at the Authors After Dark conference in Philadelphia. I caught a couple of announcements on Twitter; the Smart Bitches blog won for best blog (I don't know what the parameters were for the award but I do like their blog a lot so I was happy to hear the news) and Samhain Publishers won for best publisher. Again, I don't know what the parameters were but they do publish several of my favorite authors (Moira Rogers, Sierra Dean) and their website is fairly easy to navigate.

Over at the Book Lantern blog, there's an interesting post on censorship, sparked by an author's reaction to a reader's comment on her blog. I'm not a believer in censorship or banning, and for the most part I agreed with what the author had to say. However, the poster at Book Lantern also brought up some good point, particularly with respect to the author's analogy in defense of her work. I just discovered this YA blog today, thanks to a tweet on Twitter, but I will be visiting them often.

Random House announced that they will be publishing an anthology of lost Dr. Seuss stories called The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories. I loved the Dr. Seuss books as a child and I love them today as a teacher so this is awesome news in my utterly biased opinion. Dr. Seuss wrote books that were respectful of young children, were playful, blended fun with educational ideals and morals, and were pretty much timeless. The stories were originally printed in the womens magazine Redbook in 1950 and 1951. There are others from his magazine period but the selection was narrowed down to these seven. Because they were originally printed in magazines, the artwork was minimal and the vp's and publishers of Random House/Golden Books Young Readers Group made the decision to let the original artwork stand. For more details, see the PW article here.

And last, but certainly not least, PW Children's Bookshelf has an article about an independent South Carolina bookstore, Booklovers Bookstore, that took the initiative to help out their local school system. I say, next time you order a book, do it from this store and keep this awesome store in business. What exactly did they do? Here's a quote from the PW CB article: initiative mandating dedicated reading time for all students has, despite its necessity, compounded a familiar problem for teachers: more to do and less time to do it in. Responding to the resource crunch, Booklovers Bookstore in Aiken, S.C.recently created a school liaison position for Pat Wood, a retired school librarian/media specialist with 32 years of experience in Aiken schools. Wood's job will be to help teachers "currently working on establishing a [book] collection to meet the needs of this new intitiative," which calls for each teacher to set aside specific time for reading. more
* Bolding added by me.*

I'm all for encouraging reading, but if you have ever dealt with a public school, you know that the demands on a teachers time are endless and time, of course, is not. Teachers have a difficult challenge already fulfilling all of the expectations and requirements but more and more gets dumped on them. This program has the potential to be a boon to the school and I hope that it works out well. 

Ok, that's it for now. There will be more random news posts, as I collect news and remember to post them, thus making them random in both content and occurrence. :D Now, back to finishing my book. The review is supposed to go up today; I don't know if that will happen. :P It may be tomorrow. 

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