Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm Getting Excited About Banned Books Week.

Banned Book Week is a month away and I've been busy planning events for the week long celebration. The 8 day celebration and blog hop are going to be busy days here. I've lined up guest posts by authors and bloggers, there are a couple of reviews of banned or challenged books, and giveaways! The giveaways are a mix of book and gift cards; some are US only and others are international.

I've been pestering asking authors and publicists to participate and have gotten a very good response. Only one author so far has turned me down, I'm waiting to hear back from a few people and the following people have generously agreed to donate their time, banned or challenged books, or gift cards. In no particular order, participants currently confirmed are:


Kelley Armstrong
Angela Addams
D.B. Reynolds
J.A. Campbell
Morgan Ashbury
Nicole Peeler
Laura Anne Gilman
Kari Lee Townsend
Charlotte Bennardo
Keri Arthur
Mike Mullin
Linda Poitevin
Krista D Ball
Chris Redding


Drosdelnoch from The Falcata Times
Ceilidh from Book Lantern

Don't forget that you can get out and do your part too - attend meetings when a book is challenged at your local school or library, help organize or run a local event in honor of our right to choose our own reading material, donate time or money to organizations that support literacy and reading. Get involved, and don't forget to read!


  1. BBW is also called National Hogwash Week because, among other things, no books have been banned in the USA since Fanny Hill about half a century ago.

    It is such a joke that the American Library Association plagiarized a low quality "censorship map" to promote it. See How ALA Plagiarism Becomes Truth Through the Media Lens; SafeLibraries in USA Today.

    Book censorship is a serious issue. I wish people would treat it that way, instead of using it to browbeat communities into obeisance.

  2. Awesome line up!!!! Good stuff. :)

  3. Thanks Tammy. I am so exited about how many people said yes. It's going t0 be awesome.


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