Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review and Giveaway: Real Murders by Charlaine Harris

Congratulations to Jennifer! According to Random.org,  you are the proud new owner of the Aurora Teagarden series.

Jax here. It's Mystery Month! Not a genre I read often. So I pulled out one of the few mystery series that I've read to share. I really enjoy Charlaine Harris' Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series, and I thought it would be fun to share it with one of you!  Leave a comment by midnight CST March 31st, and we'll draw a name to win all 8 books!

Here's a bit about the first book, Real Murders.

Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime

Published: December 2007

Book Blurb:

Every month, Real Murders, a society of crime buffs in Lawrenceton, Georgia, met to discuss a favorite infamous murder. Its members were an eccentric lot: Gifford Doakes, the massacre specialist; Jane Engle, lover of Victorian horrors; Perry Allison, a Ted Bundy fan....

The night of the last meeting, town librarian Aurora "Roe" Teagarden discovered Mamie Wright's mutilated body in the clubhouse kitchen. She felt certain the killer was a fellow member, for the crime bore a chilling resemblance to the club's "murder of the month."

And as other brutal "copycat" killings followed, the only motive seemed a horrifyingly bizarre sense of fun....

My Thoughts: I'm not usually into mysteries, but this is a fun, quick read. I think one of Charlaine's greatest talents as a writer is her ability to create a realistic cast of people and places, a great balance to the improbable events that happen. Roe is a likeable main character, with a quick wit, funny foibles and an odd hobby. I love seeing the world through her eyes, everything from the way she notes the strengths and weaknesses of her friends, family, neighbors, and even herself to the her fondness and exasperation for the life she lives.

The story moves along nicely, with great details about real murder mysteries sprinkled throughout, and good reasons to suspect just about everyone you meet. There's even a bit of romance, because, really there's nothing like a good death to make you want to live to the fullest! With summer coming, this is a great beach book.

This book is owned by the reviewer.


  1. I knew about her Sookie Stackhouse and her Shakespeare books, but I have not heard of this series. Looks good.

  2. Love the Sookie Books but have not read any of this series before. I'm liking what I have read here about them. irgl7(at)bonzo15(dot)plus(dot)com

  3. I'm not much of a mystery-buff, either, but these sound interesting and I love Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series.

    Thanks, Jax!

  4. This sounds so interesting. Please count me in if it's international.

  5. I love a good mystery, one of my favorite genres. I don't know how I haven't heard of this series before! Thank you for the recommendation and the giveaway :)


  6. I have never read this authors but it looks like a good story.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  7. I love mysteries and this is such a generous giveaway. Please enter me.


  8. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I loved her Sookie Stackhouse books so I'm sure these are just as good. Count me in!


  9. I'll look into these. Thanks for the recommendation Jax.


  10. This is a new author for me. Weirdly, I can think of a few people who would be right at home in the Murder Club.

    webbJM AT verizon DOT net

  11. I have not read anything by Charlaine, but I've read awesome reviews. The murder mystery books I like and this is particularly striking me, I'm not the first person books because sometimes I can not get inside the character but I like what you say about her, I think is a good read to have into account.

    Thanks for the giveaway :)


  12. I read this series after I read the Sookie Stackhouse books. I enjoyed it very much.

  13. I read the first book and LOVED Aurora. By the end, she felt like she was a good friend of mine! The only reason I didn't keep reading was, well, the first book also scared me! I do the whole dark fantasy thing, but a bit of murder freaks me out. That said, I've been meaning to toughen up and read the rest with my BFF Aurora, so I'd love to win this prize! :)

  14. I've never heard of this series, but it definitely seems like a new and interesting take on the genre.


  15. I haven't tried this series yet, I finished Sookie and I'm almost through her Harper Connelly series. This was next on my list! :)

  16. Like so many here, I love Charlaine Harris. I've been meaning to start this series but I've been too busy reading and rereading and rereading and rereading the Eric Northman...er..I mean the Sookie Stackhouse Series.
    Thank you for this review and recommendation!

  17. This sounds like a terrific series--please enter me in the giveaway.

    o2oole (at) verizon.net

  18. This is actually the only series of hers I haven't read, but would love to. I really enjoy here writing for the same reasons you do, everything just ticks along nicely and you don't really ever see the ending coming fully until you are quite a ways in. So nice! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Fantastic review!

    the1stdaughter at gmail dot com

  19. I was certain this series was paranormal mystery, but I probably got confused since I only really associate Charlaine Harris with Sookie Stackhouse. I'd love to win the series. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    jennsicurella at verizon dot net


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