Sunday, February 27, 2011

Trying Something New - CSN

While I don't get to read other blogs as often as I'd like, I just don't have the time, I have recently noticed something on some that I have read. Many have been reviewing products purchased from CSN websites and/or o0ffering gift cards to CSN in giveaways. Recently, I was contacted by them to see if I would be interested in participating in their program. I was hesitant at first, I prefer for the blog's focus, to be books and related topics. Still, it would be so useful to have someone willing to sponsor giveaways, even partially.

So, I will be purchasing something from one of their over 200 sites and reviewing it on here. After that, who knows? Maybe from time to time, I'll have some CSN gift cards to offer up in giveaways.

Now, I'm off to browse more of their sites. My first stop will be pendant lighting to see about some new lamps for the bedroom.

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