Monday, November 1, 2010

Winners! And an update

  1. WOW! The response to the Spooktacular giveaway was amazing. There were over 130 people entered and many people had more than one entry. I hope you all had fun discovering new blogs (including this one!) and that you will keep coming back and reading.

The winners for the giveaway are yllektra and Courtney. I've sent them an email and am waiting on their replies.

It was very interesting to see what scared people. Some fears were very tangible ie spiders, aliens, etc while others were less tangible but no less terrifying ie losing a loved one. One did make me laugh but then, I'm easily amused. :P The one that made me laugh said they were afraid of axes. Now that's not really all that funny, except....I mod on two author discussion boards and my mod weapon is an axe. So, if that person were on my board, all I'd have to do is threaten them with my axe to them to behave. :D Yes, I'm a little weird.

Anyway, thanks for entering and I hope to see you again. :)

On that note, here's an update on my computer situation. I'm on a computer at the town library right now. In a little while, I'm taking my laptop to a store to be looked at. Depending on the estimate, I'll get it fixed. The store I'm taking it to usually keeps computers for about a week. What is really frustrating for me, is that not only do I lack internet access without my laptop, but all of my ebooks  are unavailable too. Currently, all of my books to be reviewed are ebooks so I'm way behind now. I have been reading some paper-and-ink books that I bought for my own use and I may be able to write and post reviews for a couple of those in the meantime.

So, thanks for your patience. I should see you soon. - Bea


  1. Oh, I just saw your email, I will reply now!

    Congrats to Courtney and thanks so much for this giveaway!
    I'm so glad I won! :)

  2. You're welcome!

    I think it's funny that you both chose "Bitten" as your book. I am a big Kelley Armstrong fan and I'm always happy to introduce readers to her books. I hope you ladies enjoy them. :)

  3. Yeah I don't know, it's just that it seemed great! :P

    Is your laptop fixed yet? :)

  4. No, my laptop is officially dead and it's going to be a few weeks before I can get a new one. I have someone in mind to fill in for me in the meantime. :)

  5. In the meantime, I have a friend who will be posting reviews on the blog. There's an intro post up. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I forgot to mention :P
    I got the book in the mail!
    Thanks so much again! :)


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